
Press Release

Busan, MetaCen Therapeutics donates soy milk to marginalized multicultural families
2024.09.06 17:04
  • 작성자 관리자
  • 조회 35
부산약사회_아이에스업 두유.jpg
The Busan Branch (led by Branch Director Jeong-Seok Byeon) and the Busan Women Pharmacists' Association (Vice Branch Director Kyung-Ok Park), in collaboration with MetaCen Therapeutics (CEO Myoung-Gyu Park), supported multicultural underprivileged families and vulnerable elderly individuals by donating over 4,000 soy milk packs as part of a social contribution initiative.
The donation ceremony took place on August 28 at the branch hall. The donated soy milk will be distributed to those in the welfare blind spots, such as children and elderly people living alone, who struggle with maintaining balanced nutrition.
Branch Director Jeong-Seok Byeon remarked, "With the economic difficulties of vulnerable groups worsening due to COVID-19 and much of the aid focused on hygiene products, nutritional imbalances have become a growing concern. I hope this donation helps our underprivileged neighbors stay healthy during the summer. The pharmaceutical association will continue to care for the health of the local community."
Vice Branch Director Kyung-Ok Park (President of the Women Pharmacists' Association) added, "In the ongoing pandemic, it’s more important than ever to actively protect those who are vulnerable to infectious diseases. I am pleased that the pharmaceutical association can contribute to the local community. Along with free medication for immigrants and pharmaceutical support, I hope the efforts of pharmacists will help multicultural families feel more integrated and live happy lives as part of our society."
MetaCen Therapeutics CEO Myoung-Gyu Park, who provided the 4,000 IS Up soy milk packs, stated, "I believe that sharing is even more important in difficult times. I am happy to offer help where it’s needed and grateful to the pharmaceutical association for providing this meaningful opportunity."
The ceremony was attended by Jeong-Seok Byeon, Vice Branch Director Jang-Chun Ryu, Women's Vice Branch Director Jung-Hee Choi, MetaCen Therapeutics CEO Myoung-Gyu Park, and Director Gil-Tae Lim.

Source: K-Pharm News (