
Press Release

MetaCen Therapeutics holds a public lecture for pharmacists in Incheon.
2024.09.09 16:03
  • 작성자 관리자
  • 조회 388
[DailyPharm Reporter: Hye-Kyoung Kang] MetaCen Therapeutics and the AGEs Society (CEO Myoung-Gyu Park) conducted a public lecture for Incheon pharmacists on the 28th.
During the lecture, CEO Myoung-Gyu Park introduced the results of human clinical trials on non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and Alzheimer's, along with the core product technologies. He identified glycotoxins as a major factor threatening modern health and presented solutions to address this issue.

Academic representative pharmacist Ah-Reum Kim shared in-depth knowledge on glycotoxins, providing specific methods and solutions for disease prevention and management, along with consultation techniques. Won-Taek Jin, an academic pharmacist from Ohaengdang Pharmacy, introduced effective exercise solutions based on clinical cases and spinal care from a glycotoxin perspective, offering ways to support customers' spinal health in pharmacies. Ji-Woo Seo, an academic pharmacist from Mimi Pharmacy, presented real clinical cases highlighting the improvement of health for family members and customers through glycotoxin health management, reinforcing the importance of the AGEs Society's products.
A representative from MetaCen Therapeutics remarked, "The public lecture served as an opportunity to expand the domain of glycotoxin disease consultations and gain recognition for its expertise. Practical consultation techniques and shared success stories were highly valued as they provided useful information that could be immediately applied in pharmacies."
The company further added, "The AGEs Society will continue to support pharmacists by enhancing their disease consultation skills and implementing glycotoxin health management in pharmacies through online educational programs and offline regional public lectures, thereby improving pharmacists' expertise and enhancing pharmacy competitiveness."
The next public lecture is scheduled for May 25, at the Eunpyeong District Pharmaceutical Association Hall from 4 PM to 7 PM.

Source: [DailyPharm](